Amazon S3 Tips, Tricks, and Resources
Amazon S3 Bucket URLs
Amazon S3's scalability, reliability, and rich functionality have made it a cornerstone of cloud infrastructure. S3 provides the foundation for countless businesses, developers, and enterprises around the world. It can be used in public-facing applications like websites. Providing access to S3 buckets via URLs offers several advantages. We'll look at common use cases, analyze the benefits & challenges, and outline best practices of using Amazon S3 bucket URLs.
Best Practices for Naming S3 Buckets
What's in a name? That which we call a bucket, by any other word would store as well.... Naming conventions ensure the name of each S3 bucket allows useful information to be gleaned from the names. Choosing wisely ensures easy management and organization within your AWS environment. Once a bucket is created, its name cannot be changed, so choosing well-thought-out and descriptive name is crucial for managing and organizing Amazon S3. To help you organize your Amazon S3, we share our best practices for naming S3 buckets.
S3 Analytics
With S3 Analytics, an AWS administrator can provide valuable insights into S3 storage usage. Armed with useful data, organizations can make informed decisions to optimize costs and streamline operations. We explain the reasons for using S3 Analytics, how to use it, potential obstacles, and the long-term benefits.
Amazon S3 vs. Dropbox
When we first entertained the idea of building CloudSee Drive, it stemmed from a business expressing frustration with Dropbox. Although Dropbox can work well in many use cases, it isn't always ideal. As an AWS Partner, we see that Amazon S3 and Dropbox have similarities as cloud storage services, but there are also many differences in their features, use cases, and architectures. We'll outline Amazon vs. Dropbox for you to help you decide what's best for your organization.
Benefits & Limitations of AWS Cost Explorer
Managing cloud costs is critical in any organization's cloud strategy. AWS Cost Explorer is a powerful tool that can deliver invaluable insights into your AWS spending. As with any tool, though, it comes with both benefits and limitations. Whether you are a solutions architect or a CIO, you should be familiar with the benefits and limitations of AWS Cost Explorer to help guide your cloud strategy.
Improving User Experience
in Amazon S3